
Fair Play

Directed by: Andrea Sedlackova

Cinema program "Fair Play" in Kraków

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Movie poster Fair Play
Original title: Fair Play
Runtime: 100 min.
Production: Czechy/Słowacja/Niemcy , 2014
Category: drama
Release Date: 14 October 2016
Distribution: Aurora Films

Directed by: Andrea Sedlackova
Cast: Vlastina Svatkova, Anna Geislerova, Eva Josefíkova

The film is set in the 80s in communist Czechoslovakia. Young and talented runner Anna is selected for the national team and begins training to qualify for the Olympic Games. The coach is convinced that young sportsmence manage to win a medal. To help Annie, gives her steroids, a secret from herself. Anna's mother realizes that this is a great opportunity for her daughter, and that can take advantage of a trip to the Olympics, to flee the country, and therefore agrees to feed the baby harmful specifics.

Sport is only a background to the emotions, dilemmas and tensions that accompany the heroes of the film.

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